FORM 9 (Rule 7)
Section 9 of Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011
Public Notice on application to the Cathedrals Fabric Commission
TAKE NOTICE that the Chapter of the Cathedral Church of:
Christ in Liverpool
has on this date: 23 August 2024
applied to the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for approval of the following proposal:
Installation of a platform lift inserted into the steps from the nave north aisle to the nave well in order to provide access for all.
Summary of the nature of work and its extent (and materials) [or in the case of an object, a short description of it and details of the proposal]:
Installation of a platform lift to give access for all between the nave north aisle (and thus the main floor of the cathedral) and the nave well (currently accessible by an out of date and mechanically failing wall/rail mounted platform lift). Lift shaft/enclosure substantially glazed. Intervention into steps structure to be made good using Hopton Wood limestone to match the existing floor finish.
Plans, drawings, specifications or other documents
Copies of the plans, drawings, specification and other documents accompanying this application may be examined at the office of the Chapter of the Cathedral Church:
The Cathedral Office, St James’ House, St James’ Mount, Liverpool L1 7AZ
Between the hours of: 10am and 4pm
From this day: 23 August 2024
and until: 19 September 2024
If you wish to make representations about the whole or any part of the proposal described in this Notice you should write to:
The Secretary of the Cathedrals Fabric Commission:
c/o Cathedrals and Major Churches Officer,
Church Buildings Division, Church House, Great Smith St, London, SW1P 3AZ
020 7898 1862
So that it reaches the Secretary not later than: 19 September 2024