Come along to The Cathedral and stitch in the company of others.
Join us on the 1st Wednesday of most months – from 12.30 to 2.30 pm in The Radcliffe Learning Centre within Liverpool Cathedral – access by stairs or lift.
Yarn and fabric stitchers of all skills and abilities. Beginners to advanced — all welcome; stitch in the company of others, share skills, patterns, ideas and friendship.
Bring your own project to work on OR start one of ours.
Stay for the whole session or drop in for a while / in your lunch break.
Please bring your own refreshments OR take away options are available from the Cathedral’s Welsford Bistro.
You are welcome to attend the 12:05 Eucharistic Service and join us afterwards.
Would you like to know more? Please contact: prayershawlevents@liverpoolcathedral.org.uk or +44774 902 0460