Today is the last Sunday of the Church’s year that celebrates the theme of Christ the King, although a better translation of this concept could be the Reign of Christ. The notion of the Reign of Christ emphasises better what Christ does and what we might expect a world to look like over which Christ reigns. Jesus’ teaching began in Matthew 5 where the beatitudes identified the qualities of life to which the kingdom of heaven belongs (for example, ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy’). Now at the close of Matthew 25 where Jesus’ teaching ends, we glimpse the actions that display the Reign of Christ, when the hungry are fed.
For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of human dignity. In today’s picture from their book, The Big Chapel, Aled and Sian push open the doors of Y Capel Mawr to discover how working together their local churches have transformed this building to celebrate the human dignity of all who live in their community.
Lord Jesus Christ,
you reign for ever.
Help us to see your face
in the needs of those around us,
that we may respect the dignity of all,
and display your reign across the world;
for you are the king of glory.
Next Sunday, Advent Sunday, begins the new lectionary year during which we follow the Gospel of Mark. The image to help prepare for this theme is Advent wreaths. You can find out more about that theme by looking at the Educational Resources and the Preparation Resources.
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