Today is the Second Sunday of Lent, the season of the Church’s year when we prepare for the events of Holy Week and Good Friday. It is a season of reflection and penitence. Today’s Gospel reading from Mark invites us to call to mind how Jesus foretells his death and resurrection to his disciples. In Mark’s Gospel Jesus begins to teach his disciples about his forthcoming crucifixion as soon as Peter has publicly acknowledged him as the Christ at Caesarea Philippi. There are two other predictions of the crucifixion later in Mark’s Gospel, each becoming more explicit and precise. On this first occasion, the disciples fail to understand and the crowds are invited to take up their cross and to follow him.
For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited you to reflect on the image of the cross. Today’s picture of the wooden cross has been taken from the illustrated communion book, The Lord is Here!
Lord Jesus Christ,
you suffered for our salvation.
Help us to take up the cross,
and to follow you;
for you are our God.
Next Sunday, the Third Sunday of Lent, focuses our attention on how Jesus cleansed the Temple in Jerusalem. The image to help us prepare for next Sunday is spring cleaning. You can find out more about that theme by looking at the Educational Resources and the Preparation Resources.
Prayer Requests
Would you like to submit a prayer request? You can do so through the prayer for Liverpool website.
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