Today is the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. The Gospel reading from Mark chapter 10 continues Jesus’ teaching about discipleship. Following Peter’s recognition of Jesus as the Messiah at Caesarea Philippi (Mark 8: 27-29), in Mark’s Gospel Jesus embarks on a programme of teaching to prepare his disciples for his forthcoming suffering and crucifixion and for the radical demands placed on them as his disciples. The first prediction of Jesus’ passion is in Mark 8: 31 and the second in Mark 9: 30-31. Today’s teaching about giving up everything that gets in the way of such radical discipleship (including possessions, family, and the security of home) prepares the ground for the third prediction of Jesus’ passion in Mark 10: 33-34.
For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of possessions. In today’s picture from the book Cross, Aled and Sian are gazing at the silver and gold in the jewellers.
Lord Jesus Christ,
you call us to follow you
and to leave all else behind.
Enable us to love you above all things;
that we may follow where you lead;
for you are our God.
Next Sunday’s Gospel reading contrasts personal ambition with the call to serve others. The image to help us prepare for next Sunday’s theme is servant leader. You can find out more about that theme by looking at the Educational Resources and the Preparation Resources.
Prayer Requests
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