Thank you
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all who have supported the Cathedral’s 2024 Campaign. Thanks to you, we are entering our second century a stronger and more vibrant Cathedral community, able to serve the people of Liverpool and beyond. The 2024 Campaign has seen the completion of 24 key projects, spanning the broad range of Cathedral life, from music, worship and social justice to maintaining this great building.
Thank you to all those listed below, as well as those who have chosen to remain anonymous.
Geoffrey Appleton
George Ashcroft
Dame Janet Beer
Iain Blythe
Stephen Bown
The Venerable David Butterfield
Paul Chavasse
Jennie Cunningham
Margaret Edwards
John Elsworth
Peter and Elizabeth Forster
Revd Philip Freeman
Robin Gordon
Jennifer Griffiths
Revd Gordon Herron
Revd Robert Hill
Lawrence Holden
E C Lanceley
Nigel Lanceley
Mark Leather
M Milligan
Jeff and Janice Perkin
Colonel Peter Poole
Marie Rimmer
Revd Roger Scoones
Revd John Sephton
I C Smart
Revd D H Statter
Stefan Stein
Elizabeth Thorogood
Emma and Nick Williams
Ann Wolff
John Thomas Kennedy Foundation
Mrs Jean Porter
Helen Roberts
Liz Shields
Linda Stages
Colin and Ruth Ali
Heather Ali
Canon Geoff Almond
Alan and Gail Anderson
Roger Arden
Revd Walter Balmer
Andrew Beeston
Mr and Mrs Behrend
John and Fenella Billington
May Blenkinsopp
Grace Blinkhorn
Geraldine and Peter Bounds
Colin Brennand
Rev Jill Caldwell
Prof John Caldwell
Alan S Carter
Austin Carty
Professor Helen Carty DL
Chief Angus Chukeumeka KSC
Edward Clement-Evans
Al and Shirley Collins
Derek Collins
Carol Connor
Peter Copland
Neville and Dina Crowson
Sue Davies
Steve and Jackie Dean
Revd Canon Cynthia Dowdle OBE
Sean and Diana Duncan
Mike and Nikki Eastwood
Dr Alec Ellis
Mrs Anne Ellis
David Reg Evans
Hilary Fass
Helen Favale
Judith Foster
Kathleen Goodacre
Lady Jill Grantchester
Mrs J Grundy
Anthony Hannay
Mrs KHL Hill
Pam Hill
Vivianne Hollinshead
Mr and Mrs Hudson
Carly Jackson
Val Jackson
David Johnston
Linda and Chris Jones
Barbara Kelsall
Timothy Kennedy
Hilary and Peter Kennerley
Tony Cragg and Clare Kerrigan
Ian Lang
Heather Lloyd
John Lloyd MBE
Jean Mason
Alan Matthews
John Maylor
Robert and Ruth McConnell
Dr Mselenge Mdegela
The Zoom Zoom Trust
Beverley and Ian Monk
Ann Moor
Robin Moor
David Moore
Dionne Moss
Sir Howard Newby
Lady Sheila Newby
Jean Parker
Stuart and Jennifer Patterson
Andrew Piatt
Dr Stephen and Mrs Lynda Pillow
Naomi Pinder
Fran and Mike Poole
Gill Porter
Michael Potts
Hannah and Sebastian Preil
William Rathbone OBE
Anne Rattigan
Canon Paul Rattigan
Gwenyth Rawlinson
Roy and Valerie Redman
David Renison
Patricia Rigby
Aldie and Avril Robarts
Dianne Rothwell
Rupert Ryle-Hodges
Robert W Scapens
The Scott Family
Wendy and Michael Sellers
Geoffrey Sherrocks
Brian G Smith
The Venerable Pete Spiers
Her Honour Elizabeth Steel DL
Peter and Elizabeth Stoney
Christine Thomas
Rev Canon Professor David Thomas
Elizabeth Threadgold
Patrick and Monica Toosey
Mr and Mrs Underhill
Michael and Hoda Webb
Kate Wharton
Martin Philip White
The Right Reverend Dr Pete Wilcox and Dr Catherine Wilcox
Gratten and Diane Williams
Ronald and Doreen Woan
Canon Michael Wolfe
Francis Ryan and Peter Woods MBE DL
Mary Yates
Trevor Bates
Sir Michael Bibby DL
Michael Carr
Sir David Clarke
Andrew Collinge
Liz Collinge
James Davies OBE DL
The Earl of Derby
David Edmundson
Rt Hon Frank Field MP
William and Gail Fulton
Judith and David Greensmith
Jayne Hauxwell
Tony Johnson
Martyn Lumley
R S Clare & Co Ltd
Anne Morris DL
Gwen and Fred Myerscough
The Vestey Family
The Adrian Swire Trust
Benefact Trust
The Cathedral Music Trust
The Dulverton Trust
The Headley Trust
The Jerusalem Trust
The John Pilling Trust
John Swire 1989 Charitable Trust
Lord Leverhulme’s Charitable Trust
The P H Holt Foundation
The Right Hon Josephine Countess of Sefton Deceased Will Trust
The Rushworth Foundation
The Archbishop’s Council
Friends of Liverpool Cathedral
Church Comissioners
The Ken Dodd Charitable Foundation
Eileen Golby
The Bathgate Charitable Trust
The First World War Centenary Cathedral Repair Fund
Liverpool John Moores University
With thanks also to…
Patrons of the Organ
Members of the Liturgy and Music Foundation
Our Anonymous Benefactors
Interested in donating to Liverpool Cathedral?
How to find us
We are about a thirty-minute walk from most central Liverpool locations including Lime Street and Central railway stations and our main bus terminals.
Talking about buses, routes 82, 86 stop nearby. And if you like the hop on hop off city tours then you can include our Cathedral on your route.
We have buses stopping near the Cathedral every 12 minutes or so – it’s an easy way to get to us. For more details and timetables visit the Merseytravel website.