Thank you for considering supporting Liverpool Cathedral.
Liverpool Cathedral costs over £3.5 million to run each year, and over a third of this is maintaining our Grade I listed building.
A donation, no matter the size, makes a huge difference to our vital work in the community, and ensures Liverpool Cathedral can remain open to visitors and worshippers for hundreds of years to come. We are so grateful for the support of our generous donors.
Liverpool Cathedral is a registered charity no. 1205970. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, you increase your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you. If you are eligible, please do Gift Aid your donation online. Thank you.
Liverpool Cathedral is at the heart of the civic and religious life of our city, and we are proud to be a place of Encounter for all. We stand not only as an internationally recognised architectural wonder, but as a thriving community with a congregation of over 280 per week. Before Covid-19 we welcomed over 2,000 people every day to experience this Grade I listed building.
Your support enables us to welcome the people of Liverpool and the world to encounter inspiring worship, education, heritage, music and art.
Lots of people think we get the majority of our funds from public sources and the national church. In fact, we don’t receive a penny from the government, and the main way the national church supports us is through salaries for our clergy.
As a young cathedral we don’t have the same historic assets as the ancient English cathedrals that have hundreds of years of philanthropy to fall back on when times are tough.
“Cathedrals that fail to adapt will fail to thrive, fail to survive. We owe it to future generations to prevent this from happening. I intend Liverpool Cathedral to thrive into the future.” – Dean of Liverpool, The Very Reverend Dr Sue Jones
Liverpool Cathedral was made possible by ordinary people putting their hand in their pocket and giving something small. Together our ancestors built something huge for the generations that followed them. Now is the time for us to give what we can to secure Liverpool Cathedral for the children and grandchildren that will follow us.
We are proud that we were built by the people, for the people, to the Glory of God.
I trust that when this cathedral is built it will be built not only by the rich, but also by the pence of our poor… who will be able to look up to it and say “we helped build it” making them feel that the Church belongs to them and that they belong to the Church. – Francis Chavasse, Second Bishop of Liverpool, from his speech on 17 June 1901 at Liverpool Town Hall.
You can donate here online, or to talk to our team about other ways to donate or support the cathedral, please get in touch