A place to explore all the ways you can look up and pray with Liverpool Cathedral.
Prayer for Liverpool
Connect with our online prayer resources via our Prayer for Liverpool website. Since the pandemic we have sought to be a place of encounter for those unable to visit us in person.
Here we offer prayer and worship materials, plus fun activities for the family to explore at home.
Prayer Requests
Ask us to pray for people who are in need, those who are sick or those who have died. Two members of our clergy team will pick up your request and pray for them in their daily prayers.
The Prayer Course
On Thursday evenings, join us on Zoom for 24/7 Prayer’s eight-session course helping you explore how to pray! The course is based on the Lord’s Prayer which Jesus gave to his followers when they said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray’. We will be running the course again in the Autumn term.
Starting Thursday 3rd October, 7.30pm on Zoom.
To find out more, or to express an interest in The Prayer Course, email: Debs.Davies@liverpoolcathedral.org.uk
Unanswered Prayer
This course follows on from The Prayer Course, journeying deeper into prayer – even the hardest places where God seems to be on mute.
We launch this course in Lent on Thursday 22nd February 2024, 7.30pm on Zoom.
To sign up, email: Debs.Davies@liverpoolcathedral.org.uk
Prayer Shawls
Prayer Shawl Ministry has been a recognised, global, ecumenical, pastoral initiative since 1998. The concept is simple… a personalised, handcrafted item, (often woollen) is created and gifted to someone in need of pastoral encouragement.
Items are worked in the crafter’s own time and at their own pace.
New stitchers across all craft types are always welcome. If you would like to know more please contact The Prayer Shawls.
E-mail: prayershawls@liverpoolcathedral.org.uk or communityprayershawls@liverpoolcathedral.org.uk
Prayer Beads
Using a prayer tool such as Prayer Beads is an ancient practice that can be traced back to the early Christian church, when stones, pebbles, knotted rope or fringed cloth were all used to help Christians to focus whilst praying. Our gift shop has a selection of prayer beads available.
Christian Meditation
Christian meditation is the practice of the prayer of silence and stillness to get close to God. It is as old as Christianity itself, rooted in the prayer life of Jesus who, we are told in the gospels, regularly took himself off to places of quiet in order to pray.
No previous experience is necessary to join our sessions as direction will be given. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer the weekly Wednesday meditation session at present, however, an online offer from the World Community for Christian Meditation is available at www.meditatiocentrelondon.org.
There is also a free World Community for Christian Meditation Lent course ‘Introduction to Christian Meditation’ which may be found here.
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer is one particular way of doing Christian meditation which uses a prayer word as a way of anchoring yourself when your thoughts begin to stray. It is based on the teaching of the anonymous 14th century spiritual classic The Cloud of Unknowing. It is a very simple but effective way of beginning to use silence in prayer.
For further information, contact Revd Mark Waters: marko.waters@gmail.com.