Liverpool Cathedral is a place of encounter. We long for everyone who encounters this Cathedral and its many communities to encounter the God who knows and loves them. We believe that God seeks a relationship of love with every person and with the whole creation. God has chosen to reveal that love supremely through the person of Jesus Christ.
We believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a real, historical person and was born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. He lived a life of loving service to others, died on a cross for us, and rose again on the first Easter Day. Through baptism, all Christians share in his resurrection life. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection holds the key to knowing and loving God, and to making sense of life, before and after death.
Our faith flows out of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We seek to follow the way that Jesus taught. We do not do that on our own, but in fellowship with other Christians as part of the Church. Jesus calls us to live a faith which can change the world!
Christians also believe that God is alive, loving and active today through the work of his Holy Spirit in our lives. This inspires faith, empowers God’s people to work for justice and truth, and sustains the life of the world. This gives spiritual gifts to the Church to bring about changed lives and a transformed society.
We celebrate our faith in acts of worship to which all are welcome. We invite all people to deepen their faith in God through our different nurturing activities, many of which are in small groups. Within these groups, there is space to listen, ask questions, encourage one another and make new and lasting friendships.
Exploring Faith
Most of us recognise that there is more to life than the everyday things around us. We look up for some purpose in life. We look up for love and beauty and values which will give our lives meaning. We hope that we will be remembered after we die. Someone has wisely said that the two most significant times in our life are the moment of our birth and the moment that we realise why we have been born!
We invite you to encounter God and to develop your understanding of faith and how a strong faith can support you in your day-to-day life. We have a range of ways to help you with that encounter, whether you are enquiring for the first time, returning to church life, or looking to refresh and deepen your faith.
Rule of life
The Rule of Life was developed to help people organise their lives around some key spiritual principles. Being a disciple on the Rule of Life means being on an inner journey – to Pray, Read, Learn; and an outer journey – to Tell, Serve, Give.
Being a disciple means feeding ourselves spiritually through praying, reading and learning; our inner journey. It then means responding in action through telling, serving and giving; our outer journey.
When we take the inner journey we respond to God’s sending love, and we are not alone.
In prayer, as Jesus tells us, we enter the secret place to meet the One he called Father, who draws us close, who sees what is done in secret, and who fills us with life.
In reading the Bible we meet the inspired writers who point us to God, and we meet those who have interpreted their words over the centuries so that we can read with love and understanding.
In learning the faith we meet the people God has given us in the church, parish, school, fresh expression or chaplaincy; we meet them and learn from them how to live.
When we take the outer journey we respond to God’s sending love, and we are not alone.
In telling of Jesus we meet our friends who do not know him, as one by one we bring them to meet him for themselves, to know his love for them, and to be led by Him to his Father, their Father.
In serving others we meet their needs as we meet the people themselves, connecting with them in the struggle for justice and dignity, doing the many things God gives us to do with and for them to help and love them more.
In giving our lives we take our place among the hundreds of millions of people who bear the name of Christ worldwide, and among the more than sixty thousand people who are actively connected to our diocese.
Fit for Mission
The Diocese of Liverpool is committed to growing the church, in numbers, in spiritual depth, and in our capacity to serve our communities. Specifically, we are committed to introducing more people to Jesus, deepening our discipleship, developing Christian leaders for the future, and working to see more justice in our world. You can find out more here.
Liverpool Cathedral is fully committed to ‘Fit for Mission’.
Baptism, Marriage & Funerals
There are some significant ‘milestones’ in our lives. Top of these for us are being baptised, whether as a child or adult, getting married and celebrating the lives of our loved ones when it comes to the end of life. Liverpool Cathedral offers services for all of these, and you can find out more following the link below.
Confirmation is the way in we confirm the promises made for us at Baptism, which for some of us was as babies or children. Confirmation can happen at any time in our adult lives. Doing a Confirmation course helps us to dig deeper into what it means to follow Jesus, looking at such issues as being a Christian seven days a week, why we worship, reading the Bible and prayer, and the work of the Holy Spirit. We run Confirmation courses a couple of times a year, both online and in person. The Bishops in our Diocese visit the Cathedral regularly to offer Confirmation; this takes place at a special service in the Cathedral.