Liverpool Cathedral hosts many leading practitioners and theologians for a range of lecture series on topical issues across the year. You can find out more about these lectures on the page linked below.
Postgraduate Learning Community
The Liverpool Cathedral Postgraduate Learning community is convened jointly by the Cathedral and the St Mary’s Centre to nurture M-level, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral researchers engaged in the broad fields of Christian learning and practical and empirical theology. For more details of its activities, please contact Canon Neal, who will pass on your enquiry to the conveners of the Learning Community, or direct to the Canon Theologian, Revd. Professor Leslie Francis or the Canon Scientist, the Revd. Canon Dr. Mike Kirby.
Emmanuel Theological College
Emmanuel Theological College is the fruit of an exciting partnership between the Bishops of the six Church of England Dioceses in North West England: Blackburn, Carlisle, Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, and Sodor and Man. Together they developed an exciting vision for integrated ministerial formation that equips the whole people of God for the whole mission of God today, by providing outstanding formation for lay and ordained ministry on a full-time and part-time basis.
Emmanuel’s culture and ethos are rooted in charity and generosity in partnership across liturgical traditions whilst remaining faithful to the gospel, focusing not on our differences but on our common bonds in Jesus Christ. Under the leadership of the Dean, The Revd Canon Dr Michael Leyden, the College aims to be Christ-centred, hope-filled, and mission-orientated in all that it does.
Our curriculum combines contextual experience, deliberate character and ministry formation, and rigorous theological study to ensure our students are better able to love God, the Church, and the world with their whole selves (Matt 22:37).
Alongside our learning offering for adults, we also offer a range of educational experiences for children and young people, including our range of school workshops, and our free half-term family activities.
To find out more, head to our Education Section.
Joining our Community
There are many ways to encounter Liverpool Cathedral, and all are welcome to join our community to learn more. Whether you would like to learn more about bible, join our Men’s group, or explore our Prayer Ministry, you can find out more on the page linked below.