Today is the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. The Gospel reading from Mark chapter 7 marks an important point of transition in Jesus’ ministry. In Mark’s narrative Jesus began his ministry among the Jewish people, but today we find him in Gentile territory. Then a Gentile woman comes to Jesus for help. The opening conversation between Jesus and the woman sounds offensive. The woman says of Jesus, ‘Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs’. Jesus’ response indicates that the turn of the Gentiles has now arrived. The Gentiles also deserve to be treated as God’s children.
For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of dogs. Today’s picture is taken from the illustrated communion book, The Lord is Here!, where the picture is set alongside the Prayer of Humble Access.
Lord Jesus Christ,
your love is for all people.
Teach us to share your love with all,
that your reign may reach
to the ends of the world;
for you are our God.
Next Sunday’s Gospel reading takes us to Peter’s confession at Caesarea Philippi when he says to Jesus, ‘You are the Messiah’. The image to help us prepare for next Sunday’s theme is following clues. You can find out more about that theme by looking at the Educational Resources and the Preparation Resources.
Prayer Requests
Would you like to submit a prayer request? You can do so through the Prayer for Liverpool website.
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