Ninth Sunday after Trinity
Since Trinity Sunday the Gospel readings have taken us on a journey through Mark’s Gospel. Last week we got as far as chapter 6, the chapter in which Mark narrates the feeding of the five thousand. Today’s Gospel reading about the feeding of the five thousand, is however, John’s account. The account of the feeding of the five thousand is one of the few narratives which John’s Gospel holds in common with the three synoptic Gospels. Yet there are significant ways in which John’s account is different. For example, according to Mark’s account of the feeding of the five thousand, the disciples draw Jesus’ attention to the people’s hunger. In John’s account Jesus initiates the conversation himself. Mark speaks simply of there being five loaves. John describes them as barley loaves. Barley was used to make bread for the poor and as grain to feed animals.
For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of world breads. In today’s picture, from their book, Bread, Aled and Sian are wondering how many different types of bread they will find when they go out looking in their town, and where they will see them.
Lord Jesus Christ,
you fed the five thousand people
with five loaves and two fish.
Have pity on those who go hungry,
that the food of the world
may be shared more fairly;
for you are the bread of life.
Amen. Next Sunday continues with a further reading from John’s Gospel, in which John reflects on Jesus’ teaching about himself as the Bread of Life and on the contrast between the food that perishes and the food that endures to eternal life. The image to help us to prepare for next Sunday’s theme is the sell-by date on perishable foodstuffs. You can find out more about that theme by looking at the Educational Resources and the Preparation Resources.
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