Today’s Gospel reading continues our journey through Mark’s Gospel and stays with chapter 6. Last Sunday at the beginning of chapter 6 Mark relates how Jesus had sent his disciples out on their first missionary journey, instructing them to travel light. After the twelve had been sent out on their missionary journey, Mark tells us nothing about their experiences until they return to Jesus. Instead Mark inserts this account of the death of John the Baptist. The point Mark makes is this. Just as John suffered martyrdom through preaching the Gospel, and just as Jesus suffered death on the cross, so the disciples can expect the same reception for their ministry.
For those of you who wanted to do some thinking and preparation for today’s service during the preceding week, I invited reflection on the image of martyr. In today’s picture, from their book, Exploring the Orthodox Church, Rees and Sara are looking for icons of Christian martyrs.
Lord Jesus Christ,
John the Baptist suffered martyrdom
in your service.
Stand alongside all those
who suffer in your service today,
that they may witness to your glory;
now and always.
Amen. Next Sunday our journey through Mark’s Gospel takes us to the end of chapter 6 where Jesus is welcomed enthusiastically by the crowds, in stark contrast to his rejection by the religious and political leaders. The image to help us prepare for next Sunday’s theme is fan club.You can find out more about that theme by looking at the Educational Resources and the Preparation Resources.
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