Section 32 of Cathedrals Measure 2021
Notice of Intention to amend the Constitution and Statutes of the Cathedral Church of Christ in Liverpool
TAKE NOTICE that the Chapter of the Cathedral Church in Liverpool is preparing amendments to the Constitution and Statutes of the said Cathedral
Object of the Proposed Amendments:
- Under Article 21(1) of the Constitution to change the term of appointment for Lay Canons from five years to three years
- Under Article 28 of the Statutes to insert a paragraph to permit the creation of no more than two non-residentiary canonries at Liverpool Cathedral the holders of which may be either a clerk in holy orders or a lay person and any person appointed as a Non-Residentiary Canon of Liverpool Cathedral may or may not be appointed as a member of the Chapter of the said Cathedral
- Under Article 31(1) subsection (k) of the Statutes, to amend minster to read minister
Copies of the Draft Instrument may be inspected at the Cathedral Office, St James House, St James Road, Liverpool L1 7BY and viewed online on the website of Liverpool Cathedral.
The Chapter will consider written representations with respect to the Draft Instrument received at the Cathedral Office not later than four weeks from the date of this notice.
Signed: P Daniel
Clerk to the Cathedral Committees
On behalf of the Cathedral Chapter
Dated: 15 August 2024