Learn more about our School Singing Programme
During October we went along with our music director Stephen Mannings to two schools taking part in our Schools Singing Programme, to see what the sessions entail.
Liverpool Cathedral Schools Singing Programme (SSP) has been working with primary schools since 2012. During this time, we’ve worked with some 8,000 children from over 40 schools, run more than 20 music projects, and given large-scale performances both at the cathedral and across this Diocese.
During the sessions, the Children took part in some different singing-based workshops. These included warm-ups, singing games, new songs, and new skills like learning musical terms and music notation reading.
The children had fun while also picking up lots of new musical knowledge!
We spoke with one of the teachers from Northwood Primary School (whose Year 3 class are currently taking part in the SSP) to see how he was finding the programme so far for his class. He told us that the sessions were full of practical, fun and interactive activities. The children have fun singing and making music collaboratively, this keeps them engaged while learning different musical techniques and theory progressively week in and week out, therefore developing their understanding and knowledge.
The children are looking forward to working towards their end of term whole school singing assembly. These are huge fun and are great for lifting energy and morale amidst a busy term.
If your school wants to take part and become a partner-school of the Liverpool Cathedral Schools Singing Programme please contact:
The Director of Music: Stephen.mannings@liverpoolcathedral.org.uk